Australian Bravery Association



After hearing about the association I was a bit surprised that there were people that got together and called themselves “Brave” so I went along to my first function held in Coffs Harbour in 2000. It was amazing. The people who spoke about what they did had great humility and it was not a matter of you pat my back and I’ll pat yours. We were extremely diverse in our backgrounds, life experiences, incomes and interests, but what we all had in common was our act of bravery and that was enough to make me feel welcome and supported, which was truly needed at that time in my life. Since then I have held office as Treasurer in NSW for a short time and now have the honor of advising the Association in psychological matters as the Honorary Psychologist to the Association. 

What continues to please me about this association is that we really are a by-partisan group who are aware that out there, people are having difficulty coping at times and to varying degrees because of their act of bravery. This is because we have probably all gone through a similarly difficult time. The Association can provide at least an individual that you can talk to who truly understands, and in addition we are now in a position to provide material support through our community networks and financial donations from generous community members.

In order to attend functions all you need is to be curious and prepared to come along and make yourself known. We are not funded by government and so raise our own funds to support members in need by holding our functions and raffles. These events provide much fun and often are attended by celebrities who hold us in high esteem.  We would love to meet you, your friends and family at any of our functions, held regularly throughout Australia.

Pamela Davidson BM

ABA Honorary Psychologist